• Cirque Du Freak movie returns to Netflix UK

    06 June 2022

    There's some cinematic good news -- or is it?!? -- for fans of the Cirque Du Freak in the UK...


    Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant is back on Netflix UK!!! You can read all about its return here: https://uk.newonnetflix.info/info/70114022


    If you never even knew that there WAS a Cirque Du Freak movie... well, that might be seen as something of a mixed blessing!! ���� Personally I enjoyed the movie on its own terms. If you've never read my books, it's a quirky, odd little film, packed with a brilliantly bonkers cast -- John C Reilly as Mr Crepsley! Salma Hayek as Truska! Willem Dafoe - Willem freaking Dafoe!! - as Gavner!!!! The sets are stunning, the score is sumptuous, and there's much fun to be had for those who are happy to go along with the ride and overlook its flaws.


    BUT there's no denying it's far from a faithful adaptation. I had nothing to do with the writing of the script, and it shows. I didn't mind that it shoe-horned in elements from the first three books -- that was always going to happen -- but I was less impressed with the changes it made to the vampire lore I had carefully constructed... the dropping of key characters like Sam Grest, R.V. and Debbie... the reveals of certain secrets from later books in the series.


    Still, all in all, I enjoyed it, as I've always (honestly) said over the last decade and a bit. And plenty of my fans enjoy it too, especially those who saw it before they'd read the books (for quite a lot of people, it served as their introduction to my world -- they'd never heard of me before seeing the film). But, equally, there are lots of my fans who loathe it, and I certainly understand their feelings on the matter.


    Anyway, if you live in the UK, and have a Netflix account, you can check it out for yourself, whether it's to try it for the first time... to re-visit an old fave if you dug it first time round... or to watch it again to confirm that it really was as bad as you thought when it was originally released!!! ��������




    For all the latest Darren Shan news, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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