• Courageous twist

    11 October 2019

    I've linked to the Courageous Nerd web site before, but I feel it's worth linking to again, as a few different articles about my books have been published there since the last time. On the home page you can read about different literary interpretations of vampires, while in the Books section (which I'm providing a direct link for below) you can find the author's list of Top 10 Cirque Du Freak characters, an article about what happened to the humans in the CDF books, and also a very nice piece about a major twist in Ocean Of Blood, the third book of my Saga Of Larten Crepsley series.




    I don't want to post any spoilers here, as I know not all of you will have read the Mr Crepsley prequel series, but if you do go ahead and read the article (which DOES contain spoilers -- so beware!), I will just note that the identity of the baby in question came as a shock to ME too! When I started the series, I had no idea that was going to happen. I knew there was going to be a major confrontation at the end of the second book, which would leave Mr Crepsley in an extremely dark and lonely place. And I knew from fairly early on that a baby was going to be involved -- I just had this image of the guilt-stricken, brooding vampire holding an utterly innocent young child, further driving home the awful reality of what he had done. But I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the baby. Would Mr Crepsley simply leave him on the ship when he departed? Would he take the baby and deposit it in a crack in the icy wasteland to perish? Would he keep it alive and find a home for it later, with foster parents who would give it a good home?


    Then I thought about another plot problem that I was facing, of how to link Mr Crepsley with a character who was mentioned in the original series, who was a very important part of his life. And suddenly the answer shot up at me, almost like a flying fish darting out of the waters of an (yes, I'm going to go there!)... Ocean of Blood!!!!!


    If you'd like to learn more about the background to my books, I publish author notes for every book that I release, talking about where the ideas came from, how I wrote them, if characters are named after real people, etc. You can access them all here: https://www.darrenshan.com/books

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