07 July 2011Crikey!! Can't believe I haven't produced a proper blog entry since June 16th!!! I used to blog almost daily, but now I tend to focus more on Twitter, which allows me to pass on messages more swiftly to fans. Even so, I still like to blog, so I'll try not to let this long a time pass again without popping my head up to give you all a shout!!
The main reason I've been absent so long is that I've been enjoying an extended birthday celebration. I turned 39 on July 2nd and I've been in London most of the time since a week or so before that date. I've crammed in a lot of theatre, meetings with friends and family, gigs and outings, including a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, and the Sculpture Park in Surrey. The most enjoyable bit of theatre I've experienced was The Accomplice, which mostly took place on the streets of Southbank. But I liked Derren Brown's new show a lot as well -- we go to see him every year when he does a London show, and it's become a highly enjoyable tradition. Lou Reed was old and creaky, but I loved catching him in the flesh. The Feeling were young and springy, and it was nice to see them for the fourth time. Tonight we're off to see Eels plays in Somerset House, one of my favourite venues in London.
But it hasn't been ALL fun and games. I've been working as well, getting ready for my two-hours solo event in Edinburgh. CLICK HERE for more details and to book tickets. I'm going to be covering the entire Saga Of Darren Shan, telling the complete story in two hours, from Cirque Du Freak through to Sons Of Destiny. It's a mammoth undertaking! Before I can condense each book and write up a plot summary that will be exciting and entertaining and just 10 minutes long per book (!!!) I have to go through the whole series and take notes, to prepare. I'm halfway through at this point and making good progress -- touch wood!!!
Anyway, that covers some of what I've been up to for the last few weeks. Apologies again for the long wait between blogs. I will TRY to start producing them more regularly again -- promise!!!!!