• Darren and Evra fan art

    20 August 2022

    The friendship between Darren and Evra played a big role in books 2 and 3 of my Cirque Du Freak series, and resurfaced further along in the storyline. I'd originally planned for Evra to have an even bigger role, and had meant to send him to Vampire Mountain with Darren and Mr Crepsley, but when I came to plot that story arc, I realised there was no logical reason for him to go, and there just wasn't room for him on the journey, so I reluctantly had to leave him behind.

    Evra has always been very popular with readers of the books, and a favourite for fan art. Usually the artists draw him by himself, but recently a few drew him hanging out with Darren, and it's a pleasure for me to share those with you now.

    The first is by EM, and captures Darren in his piratical heyday!

    The next two are by NOEL, who isn't afraid to experiment with different styles!

    The last is by MARCI, who adds Debbie Hemlock to the mix -- well, why not?!?





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