• “Darren Shan, I presume?”

    04 August 2020

    A Shanster called Rowan recently posted over on the Darren Shan Discussions Facebook page, describing how she first discovered my books:


    "When I was in secondary school, my form tutor kept a box of books in her classroom for anyone who needed something to do during form time, and one day she recommended the first Cirque du Freak to me. I was immediately hooked, they’re still my favourite series of books to this day."


    Rowan asked other fans to tell her how THEY discovered my work, and I've really enjoyed reading the replies, so I'm sharing the link for you guys to enjoy them too -- and maybe even chip in with your own reminiscences if you wish... :-)



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  • Comments

    No AvatarOrion Hopkins
    08, Aug, 2020
    Cool! My dad would never read in school so one day, one of his teachers introduced him to Cirque Du Freak back when he was in High School and those books actually got him to read. He told me though that those were some of the only books he ever read during school, as you can tell, he's not much of a reader, especially now!

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