• Demon Thief - Phoenix Projext review

    15 February 2024

    A lovely review for Demon Thief, book 2 of my Demonata series, over on THE PHOENIX PROJECT. https://phoenix-prjct.com/2024/01/22/%f0%9f%93%9a-demon-thief-is-bigger-bolder-and-even-bloodier-than-lord-loss-in-depth-review-%f0%9f%93%9a/


    Demon Thief was the key to the entire series. Although the second published, it was actually the sixth Demonata book that I wrote. I was having trouble figuring out how to structure the series, and was thinking I might have to set aside Bec (which was the second book that I'd written) and make it a short series where the sole focus was Grubbs Grady and his journey. I didn't WANT to do that, because I could sense a much bigger, more ambitious story lurking in the depths of my subconscious, waiting to be revealed -- but I just couldn't find my way towards it.


    Then, very late in the day -- the release of Lord Loss was looming, and I was almost at the point where I had to submit a second book to my publishers -- I had the idea for Demon Thief, and that opened everything up for me. I saw that the series needed three narrators, and the order in which they would best appear, and how it should be ten books in total, with the order of narrators the same backwards as it was forwards, in order to tie in with the time-can-be-cyclical story elements.


    And I was off!!!


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