• Demon Thief readthrough

    10 April 2024

    I'm almost finished my read-through of Demon Thief, which I'm doing ahead of working on a structural plan for the potential Demonata TV adaptation. There's no guarantee that the adaptors -- Dreamology Pictures -- will want to go down the route I'm suggesting, or even if *I* will want to go down that route! I have an idea for how the books might be adapted, but I'm not at all certain that it will work out. Right now I'm just refreshing myself with the books. Then I'm going to work on piecing the story components together in a different way, to see if it might work better for TV that way. If I feel it's working, I'll pitch it to Max and Ijaz at Dreamology. But if I feel like it doesn't have legs, I'll let it drop there, and leave the team to pitch THEIR plan to ME.


    Man, I'd forgotten so much about these books!! I got to the scene where Kernel meets with Lord Loss, which I thought came almost at the very end of the book. When I realised there were still many chapters to go, I found myself wondering, "What the hell happens next?!?" :-)


    I'd also forgotten how cruel Beranabus is. I'd always wanted him to be a bit of a brutal character, so focused on his mission to save the world that he doesn't care too much about any given individual, but in my memory he was nicer and warmer than he actually is. A fan posted on social media recently, saying he was a disgusting monster who had terrorised poor Nadia. At the time I thought she was being a bit harsh on him, but now... nope, I agree with her!!! At the same time, that's exactly how he needed to be in order to save the universe. Sometimes our heroes are ugly people. It's a contradiction that applies in real life as well as in fiction, and it's something that has always fascinated me. Would flawed heroes be even more heroic without their flaws? Or do we need to take them as they come, and try to appreciate them for the good they have done despite their flaws?


    If anyone knows the answer, stick it on a postcard and send it to me!! In the meantime, I'll no doubt carry on picking away at the puzzle in my stories and making sense of it as best I can through those...


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  • Comments

    No AvatarPamela Gomez
    12, Apr, 2024
    Just make sure they aren’t secretly conspiring with Lord Loss and have a load stone somewhere
    No AvatarAaron
    06, May, 2024
    I don't think one can be a hero without having flaws. That's why they're heroic. That, despite themselves they are able to overcome and do good for others, even if it kills them. Stories get quite boring incredibly quickly once the teeth are removed. Incidentally, as a long-time fan of Darren Shan and the Demonata, I have often thought about how an adaptation may work. I am currently a production manager for a film org in the UK (my film career spurred on by a love of stories as a kid such as the Demonata and TSODS) and have wondered how to get involved if such an adaptation were to occur. My approach would be to make greater emphasis of the Kah-gash and what connects Grubbs, Kernel & Bec through time. To elaborate - in a similar way to how Sense8 had characters who could feel/see events unfolding for others, the heroes of the Demonata series could start to become aware of each other's existence long before they come together. As an audience we would wonder what's happening. So - structure. Demonata TV Show would play out like Game of Thrones. 10 or so mins per character POV. Though we likely don't get into the full meat and potatoes of Bec's story until ep 2. She is glimpsed in dreams, the corner of their eye - perhaps Kernel even sees her through an early portal he accidentally opens. It's useful as the timelines would need to flex a bit to stay on track. Series 1 (Lord Loss, half of Demon Thief (cliff-hanger is being trapped in 70s) and half of Bec (when LL appears?) Series 2 (Slawter, Demon Thief, Bec) Series 3 (Blood Beast & Demon Apocalypse, Kernel & Beranabus' further adventures.) If prod team were nervous about not having Bec in for half a season, Bec could be extended yet again. The main reason being that the texture of Celtic Ireland offers many opportunities for exploration. BUT assuming we've not expanded BB & DA across two seasons (which is possible!) Seasons 4-6 become Death's Shadow, Wolf Island & Dark Calling and the final season is Hell's Heroes. As said, I've thought about this a lot as I always dreamed I'd have a hand in its adaption, someway, somehow. If my words here are helpful in anyway I want my 10% (only kidding) but I wish the production team the very best of luck. I'm not sure what details are made available but my email is on the form and I'm open to chat anon. Even in death may you be triumphant.

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