• Demonata review

    28 March 2020

    There was a nice, short, overall review of my Demonata series over on the Stevie Nicks Book Club on Instagram a while back. You can check it out by clicking here:




    If you're holed up because of Coronavirus, and looking to kill a substantial amount of time by reading some books, and if you haven't yet read my Demonata novels... well, this might be a good time to dive on in! You can buy all 10 books through Lowplex for less than £20, so they won't set you back too much either -- they ship all around Europe, and to the USA, Japan, Hong Kong and a few other territories as well:




    Lowplex sell my other series too, again at amazingly low prices -- do a quick search for Darren Shan on their site to find out more.

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