• Demonata TV scripts PS

    30 September 2024

    A quick follow up on a post I shared last week, from Dreamology Pictures, regarding the script for BEC that they are working on.


    As most of you are probably aware, the team are working on trying to adapt the books into a TV show. Quite a few of you took the post to mean that they were going to start chronologically, i.e. base the first season on Bec, and work forwards from there. This isn't actually the case, and I'm sorry I gave that impression.


    Max and Ijaz are actually working on three different scripts, one for Lord Loss, one for Demon Thief, and one for Bec. When they've completed work on those, we're going to look at all three scripts and talk about them and start plotting a way ahead from there. The most likely starting point remains Lord Loss, but nothing is set in stone right now. Ultimately we'll go with what we feel works best -- well, I say "we" but Max and Ijaz will have the final say, as when it comes to adaptations, I'm always happy to cede control to the adapters. They're the sensible bosses on this one -- I'm just a mischievous passenger who's going to whisper demonically in their ear and try to lead them astray!!!


    "Let's start with Hell's Heroes and tell the story in reverse!!!!!" :-) :-) :-)


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