Demonic fan art
21 January 2023I can't let a Saturday pass without throwing some amazing fan art your way, so although it's a bit later than I usually post, here you go!
All four of these pieces are of characters from my DEMONATA series. First up we have a drawing of its three narrators, Bec, Grubbs and Kernel, drawn by AMEIRO.
Next we have an incredibly cute drawing of that same trio, with the addition of Bernabus and Bill-E Spleen, by TSUMUGI.
In the third we have Kernel, Shark and Dervish in his younger punk years, drawn by NOEL.
And the final drawing focuses solely on Dervish, again as a young punk, drawn this time by LIV.
I love how these four drawings capture the same characters so differently, and yet how each one feels just right for those characters. It's the beauty of books, and the reason they still work so well in this multi-media age -- unlike movies, TV shows, video games and comics, if a book has a million readers, each of its characters has a million different faces. We all interpret a book's looks in our own unique way, and each interpretation is as valid and intriguing as any other.