• Description lite

    19 May 2021

    This post from a fan called Rabia made me happy. I do sometimes worry about my descriptions. I'm of the mindset that readers don't need TOO much information to be getting along with. Every reader will imagine characters and settings in their own unique way, so I don't like trying to force them down a strict visual route by describing things in too much detail. But every now and then I think -- am I keeping it TOO vague? Should I have at least told them what his or her hair colour was?!? It's a relief to get feedback like this, and to know that my way is working. :-)


    "I love how Mr.Darren Shan leaves space to let his audience visualize the ideas of details. Like I had assumed Mr.Desmond Tiny's heart shaped watch as a literal heart shape [♥️] (I know, this romantic heart goes nowhere close to his personality) but this is how I imagined it when his first appearance was described in first triology. Later when I read the manga and saw it was visualized as the biological heart shape, I was confused but still held on to my imagination as the author himself didn't prescibed exactly so the readers are open to imagination. Even Larten, Evra and some others are way different in my mind than most manga's& fanarts- however each one of them fit the descriptive criteria of characters. But our different imagination gives birth to new styles of layout for them! [��] "


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