• Disappointing review?

    21 September 2019

    This is a bizarre one!


    As most of you probably already know, I write for adults as well as children/teenagers, and these days I release those books under the name of Darren Dash. Back in 2015, there was a review on the Crossing Pixies site for my latest Dash release, a horror novel called Sunburn. (The site has since been re-titled and is now known as Kiki's Epeolatry.) It was a lovely 5 star review, and I featured a summation quote from it on my Amazon pages, where it has remained ever since, which reads: "This demonic masterpiece does not fail to disappoint even the biggest of horror fans." And I thought nothing more of it in the four years since, and nor did any of the thousands of people who saw the quote on any of the worldwide Amazon sites.


    Until a fan called Sarah emailed me a few days ago, to say: "I recently purchased Sunburn and am very excited to read it, however I just wanted to point out that your "praise" from Crossing Pixies says "this demonic masterpiece does not fail to DISAPPOINT even the biggest of horror fans". Don't worry, I'm sure I will love it none the less. :-) "


    At first I was confused. There was no typo. Why was Sarah bringing this to my attention? And why had she highlighted the word DISA...






    Of course, when I went back and read it again, it was suddenly oh so clear that, even though the line was MEANT to praise the book, it was actually doing the exact polar opposite.


    "This demonic masterpiece does not fail to THRILL even the biggest of horror fans." That would have been fine.


    "This demonic masterpiece WILL CERTAINLY NOT disappoint even the biggest of horror fans." That would have been fine too.


    But -- "This demonic masterpiece does not fail to disappoint even the biggest of horror fans." Well, that's actually saying that the book DOES disappoint!!


    DOH!!!! I guess sometimes, when our brain knows what a sentence is SUPPOSED to say, it deliberately mis-reads it and overlooks what it actually SAYS.


    Luckily, I've always been someone who's able to laugh at his own mistakes, and I hope Kiki will get a good chuckle out of this too -- I've emailed her to let her know that this post is going out, though I didn't say what it was about.
    I've thought about editing the quote on Amazon, or removing it, but it tickles my funny bone to leave it up there -- I'll be interested to see if anyone else spots the mistake in the years to come, or if they're all as dunder-headed as myself!! :-)


    To check out the full review, to make sure I'm telling the truth about it, and that it IS actually one that praised rather than rubbished the book, click here: https://bredbybooks.blogspot.com/2015/05/sunburn-by-darren-dash.html


    And if you want to find out more about my Darren Dash novel, you can visit my Dashingly delightful site here: www.darrendashbooks.com

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