• Dreamology

    07 March 2024

    I announced last week that The Demonata had been optioned, with an eye to turning the books into a TV series.


    Now I'm pleased to share the name of the production company - DREAMOLOGY - and their offical online announcement. Accompanying the poster, they said: "We are thrilled to announce development on the television series of 'THE DEMONATA' by Darren Shan. The show is in active development, the scripts are already being written by co-creators Max Aaron and Ijaz Iqbal.


    Max and Ijaz (pronounced Jazz) are young and still finding their way in the movie/TV world, but they were both big fans of the books when they were growing up, and as I've said many times over the years, I've always felt that if The Demonata was ever to be adapted, it would need to taken on by creators who had been fans when they were younger, as I think its intricacies would prove too daunting for established industry execs who were coming to it fresh. By which I mean that any would-be adapters will need to know the books inside-out in order to figure out a way of adapting them, to overcome the series' quite complex narrative structure. And Max and Ijaz certainly tick those two boxes!


    As I said last week, it's VERY early in the process, but the pair know the books, they're working on scripts, and they seem very keen to involve me in the process (I have one or two ideas, which I'm going to be putting to them next week...), so I think everything is looking bright. The plan right now is to put together a script that they can then shop around, in the hope of catching the eye of a studio with the funds to take things forward from there. We're all going to need to keep our fingers crossed for luck -- but hey, let's not forget that we have Lord Loss on our side, and HE has LOTS of fingers!!!!


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  • Comments

    No Avatarnk
    07, Mar, 2024
    Yay, I'm so happy!!!!!!
    No AvatarCharlene Paterson
    07, Mar, 2024
    I feel Netflix would snap this right up if pitched well.

    The book series done incredibly well, plus it would provide the SFX and VFX budgets needed to really do this justice. The terrified child in me and many others are very much eagerly anticipating this!! Please please please don’t down grade the scares though even if it means 16/18 rating
    No AvatarMateus Silva
    06, Jun, 2024
    Beyond excited and hopeful that this takes off. Love, love, love this series.

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