• Email from JJ Kimmorist

    24 January 2024

    I've always loved getting fan mail, and try to respond to most of it, even if it's a just a quick email to say thanks. Most of the letters, emails or posts I get from fans are on the short and sweet side, quick to read and quick to reply to, but occasionally a longer one comes through that takes more time to mull over. The one I'm copying in below, from fellow author JJ KIMMORIST, was one of those. It's such a beautiful email, that pleases me in so many ways, from her talking about reading my books after lights out, to convincing her huband to give them a try, and now passing her love for the books on to her children. (There's even a cool little mention of An Other Place -- I still can't believe or fathom how popular that book has become!!) Anyway, that's enough from me -- it's over to JJ -- and if you'd like to check out her work after reading the email, her website address is: https://www.kimmorist.com/


    Dear Mr. Shan,

    This letter has been knocking around in my head for a while now. I find it's important to stop and give appreciation where appreciation is due. So finally, I'm sitting down to express what your work has meant to me and many others.

    I began reading The Saga of Darren Shan when I was just a kid. I remember my older sister plucking Cirque du Freak off the shelf at Target, saying she had heard about it at school. She would read it to me at night when we were supposed to be sleeping. We fell in love with the dark, secret world of vampires. Darren constantly made us laugh and the father-son relationship with Mr. Crepsley kept us reading long past our bedtimes.

    I'll never forget the excitement when our mom finally gave in to our gentle requests (i.e. begging) to drive us to Barnes and Noble to pick up the next book in the series. These bookstore trips were our favorite. After the newest release of the Saga was safely tucked under our arms, we'd spend hours browsing the shelves, exploring back covers and first pages. By the time we left, we'd have a hefty stack of books each. Although there are many books that helped spark my interest in reading at a young age, I believe The Saga of Darren Shan is where I first discovered the power of words on the page. What a wonderful and miraculous thing it is to read and be swept away into another world!

    There were plenty of times, hours after our bedtime, when my sister and I would hear the floorboards creak outside our room. We'd shove the book under the pillow and feign sleep. This never fooled our dad. After a gentle warning about how tired we'd be for school in the morning, he'd tell us to go to sleep and threaten to take our book away if we didn't. (On one occasion he actually did take it!) Once his footsteps had faded down the hall, we'd count to 100 and turn the pen light back on, crack the book back open, and my sister would keep reading. (She had the best voice for Harkat.)

    By the time we reached the end of the series, I could read the books on my own. During my adolescence I re-read the Saga once or maybe even twice (it's difficult to remember now). Over the years, I've gone on to read The Demonata series and many of your other books. (I read The Thin Executioner just last year.) I'm always excited to see what type of monsters you'll dream up next.

    After I got married, I tried to get my husband into reading. One of the first books I put in his hands with zealous urgency was Cirque du Freak. He easily devoured it and went on to read the whole Saga! Although I have yet to convert him into a reader (still working on it), he now has a new appreciation for storytelling, and he consumes plenty of audiobooks on his dives to work. I'm sure you've heard this before but in case it's been a while, The Saga of Darren Shan is not just for youngsters; adults love it too!

    A few years ago, my husband and I adopted his 8-year-old nephew. His least favorite subject in school was english, and he hated reading. I eventually made him read the Saga. You can imagine my excitement at hearing him say the words, "I can't wait to see what happens next in my book!" He is now 12 and is currently working his way through The Demonata series. He likes to update me on what part he's at and his theories on what will take place next. It's been a fantastic bonding experience for us. He claims to only like books from a boy's POV. I can't wait for him to read Zom-B ;)

    I apologize for the long letter. I'll end by saying I'm typing this with one hand while my 2-month-old daughter sleeps in my other. I cannot wait to introduce her to Darren and the gang! I hope she grows up to love monsters and fantastical worlds as much as I do. For I was once a girl who loved fantasy and horror novels, now I’m an author who writes her own. I want to thank you, Mr. Shan, for your books. I can identify with just how much work it takes to bring a story to life. So, thank you again for your hours and hours of labor—for the days, weeks, months, and years of work crafting words into art.

    Your art continues to inspire generations of readers.



    P.S. An Other Place continues to be the most unsettling book I've ever read. I no longer feel at ease falling asleep on an airplane. :)


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