• Fan Art Friday - Zero in the Lake of Souls

    28 June 2024

    It's Fan Art Friday time again -- probably my favourite posting day of the week!!


    An artistic fan called ZERO -- their Twitter handle is @Charlie0_4869 -- is nearing the end of my Saga Of Darren Shan / Cirque Du Freak series, and has been drawing lots of images inspired by scenes in the book. Here are four derived from Book 10, The Lake Of Souls. I've arranged them in random order, using the titles Zero assigned to them -- I'll leave it to you guys to work out which section of the book each refers to!


    Drawing 1 -- All must fall to the Lord of the Shadows.


    Drawing 2 -- The most nightmarishly monstrous creature imaginable.


    Drawing 3 -- I seek my soul, spirits of the dead.


    Drawing 4 -- Death was on the cards that day.





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  • Fan Art Friday - Zero in the Lake of Souls

    from Darren's Blog on 28 June 2024

    It's Fan Art Friday time again -- probably my favourite posting day of the week!!


    An artistic...

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