• Fan letter from Tim

    29 July 2023

    As you guys know, I love interacting with my fans, and appreciate every comment, tweet, email, letter that comes my way. But sometimes one of you will send me something that puts an EXTRA big smile on my face, and this email that dropped through my inbox recently was one of those times. It's a lovely, lengthy, literate letter from a guy called TIM who has been a fan of mine a long, LONG time, and is now getting ready to hopefully pass on the freaky flame to his son. Feedback like this is a sweet reminder of why I do what I've been doing the past 35 or so years. (It's also a great reminder of the wonderful work that librarians do out in the field, and how crucial they are to connecting books with children and helping spark that love-of-reading flame in the first place.)




    Dear Darren Shan,

    I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to tell you my deepest appreciation and gratitude for the profound impact your Cirque Du Freak book series had on my life.

    When I was 10 years old a local librarian visited my school and read the first chapter of a dozen or so books. I wasn't a reader back then at all, but something about the first chapter of Cirque Du Freak really captured my imagination.. maybe because it all started on a toilet? Maybe it was the soccer? I honestly don’t know, but I was instantly drawn into the world you created filled with vampires, twists, suspense, and even heartbreak. I can’t tell you how hard it hit me when our favorite mentor and teacher sacrificed himself to save his closest friends.

    As I dove deeper into your books something really special happened, something we often hope happens to all young people: I discovered the joy and the love of reading. Your stories ignited a passion for literature in me, and I became such an avid reader from that point forward. Your books became my companions during both truly happy and extremely challenging times in my life.

    Your characters and their journeys taught me such valuable life lessons about bravery, friendship, and the consequences of choices. Your writing showed me the power of imagination and the limitless possibilities it offers. Through this book series, I learned to appreciate the written word and the beauty of storytelling.

    Looking back, I can absolutely say that if it weren't for you and your incredible series, I would not be the person I am today. Your books played such a significant role in shaping my interests, and really broadening my horizons; they kindled a lifelong love with literature and books.

    In June I turned 34 years old. My original Cirque Du Freak series I’ve had since I was a child, along with The Demonata series, and some of your other books sit on a shelf in my study. I have a son that’s turning ten in January who has already received that spark, that love of reading; but I’m so excited to be able to share this wonderful gift you’ve given to the world with him.

    I am truly grateful for the profound influence you've had on my life, and I wanted to take this moment to express my heartfelt thanks. Please know that your talent as a writer has left a mark on countless readers, and I am just one of the many whose life you've touched.

    Thank you, Darren Shan, for sharing your extraordinary gift with the world and for touching my life in such a meaningful way. Your books will forever hold a special place in my heart.




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