Fan stuff
07 September 2022So... what do you look for next, if you've bought every book that I've ever published?!? Well, if you're a Shanster called MEL, you track down one of the very cool posters that were made to promote the Cirque Du Freak movie back in 2009, have it signed by me, then frame it with a photo of yourself and a ticket from the event! Sweet!!!! (I think we can all agree, no matter what we think about the movie itself, that the poster is FAB!!!!)
The second photo shows us ANNIE, who created this brilliant Cirque Du Freak display for a Fandom Fair. Annie was delighted when she placed third, but personally I think she would have nicked top spot if a certain Desmond Tiny hadn't been one of the judges... ��
The third pic, shared with me by ALYSSA, is proof that if you send me a letter, you get a signed, handwritten letter in response. But the frame and spider were supplied by Alyssa, so don't expect THOSE on top!!!
Finally, since I mentioned complete collections at the start of this post, this haul of BORI's looks pretty complete to me, and what an impressive display it is! And OK, even if it's missing one or two books, all of these are SIGNED, so... happy days!!!������
If you haven't yet entered my September COMPETITION, click here to find out how to submit your entry: