• Farms, farms, farms!

    27 September 2020

    The Shan clan went on a little staycation holiday back in August, in County Carlow. I've shared quite a few photos from that trip already, but if you guys thought we were done and dusted with them... oh-ho! Think again!!! :-)


    The first three snaps here were taken on a visit to Tinahely Farm Shop, a sweet petting zoo with a nice, big inside area for when the weather is rotten -- it even has an indoor beach! We spent a enjoyable few hours here and can highly recommend it.


    The fourth snap was taken on our way home, when we called in to the Apple Farm in Tipperary -- a regular stopping point for us when we're ever driving from the Waterford area back to Limerick, though it had been quite a few years since our last visit. Mrs Shan and I stocked up on plenty of apple products... Dante liked the little playground that they have... while Gaia only had eyes for a pair of donkeys in a paddock. She absolutely loves animals -- hence our many visits to farms!





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