• Father of the Future - early review

    21 August 2023

    Just under two months until my next book goes on sale!! This one, Father of the Future, was written for my older readers, and will be published under my DARREN DASH pseudonym. It's a short time-travelling piece of science fiction. I've sent it out to lots of reviewers, and the early responses have been very positive. Here's one of the first that came through, from one of the reviewers at READERS' FAVORITE, who awarded it a wonderfully futuristic 5 out of 5 stars!!!


    "It is the twenty-ninth century, and Earth is nothing like we know it. Disease and crime are a thing of the past, and artificial intelligence runs every aspect of the planet for the humans they call Father. There is a special unit of time travelers known as fixers who correct their timeline according to Father’s instructions. At the same time, the rest of the population is preoccupied with Father’s Virtual Reality programs. Cassique is a fixer who has grown disillusioned with his life and begins to question Father’s ideas about the well-being of the human race. The more he fights his feelings, the more he believes something is wrong with the system. Can he right the wrongs of this seemingly perfect Utopia? Or will Father stop him before he can cause damage? Only time will tell in Father Of The Future by Darren Dash.


    "Darren Dash’s depiction of the ultimate Utopia and one citizen’s problem with perfection could not have been better portrayed. The storyline runs along the lines of an ideological discussion where the reader questions the logic behind Father’s supposedly forward-thinking solutions to humanity’s problems. This heightens the suspense in the story, much like the feeling when you are told that if something is too good to be true, it most likely is not. Cassique’s interactions with his fellow dwellers and their responses to his sometimes innocent-sounding questions are crafted to draw one into the story without realizing it. All of these lead to a highly intellectual conclusion, which pushes the reader to think outside the box if they wish to find the crack in the facade. The best part of this novel is how Dash alternates seriousness with sometimes goofy humor throughout the story. Father Of The Future is a novel you will fully appreciate once you have read it." -- Essien Asian.


    The eBook is available to pre-order through Amazon, Apple, B&N, Google Play, Kobo, Smashwords and lots of other online stores. A paperback will also be published. Current pre-ordering links can be found below, with more to follow closer to the book's release.


    Amazon: https://mybook.to/FatherFutureEbook

    Apple, B&N, Kobo, Smashwords, etc: https://books2read.com/u/318gPw



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