• “Favourite” movies

    07 October 2022

    I recently saw a film called Mona Lisa And The Blood Moon. It was a strange, uneven film, quietly enjoyable but nothing Earth-shattering, and I probably wouldn't have ever mentioned it here, except the title reminded me of one of my "favourite" movies, the British film Mona Lisa, released in 1986. Beautiflly directed by Neil Jordan, Bob Hoskins, Cathy Tyson and Michael Caine all excel in it (Robbie Coltrane has a lovely little role too), and it's a fascinating, oddly beguiling little movie.


    The reason I put quotation marks around the word "favourite" is that although I wouldn't contend that this is one of the best films ever made, it's a film I've re-watched more than most. You could say it's one of my "comfort movies," a film I'll turn to fairly regularly, one that I can watch over and over and never tire of. There are other films like this -- The Chocolate War, Being There, Blue Velvet, Aliens -- films that certainly wouldn't make it onto my Top 10 list of Best Films Ever Made, but which in some weird way often mean even more to me than some of the films that I WOULD list as being indefatigably GREAT.


    So, how about you? What films are YOUR "favourites" -- not the films that you'll champion to the death in an argument about the best movies of all time, but the films that you'd want to make sure you had one last look at if you were told you only had ten days to live, and you could only watch one movie per day... :-)


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