• Festival of memes

    06 May 2022

    I always enjoy seeing memes that refer to my books, and the busiest meme-maker on Twitter over the last year or so is a user with the handle -- Festival Of The Undead. "Festie" has created what must be dozens of memes, and I thought I'd celebrate their sterling work by featuring four of their efforts today.


    The first sees the gang from Vampire Mountain sitting down to watch a Christmas movie -- Home Alone, if my eyes don't deceive me. (If Cirque Du Freak gets a TV or cinematic reboot at some point in the next few years, there will actually be a very interesting link to Home Alone, but I must say no more about that now!!)


    The second riffs on the ending of book 6, The Vampire Prince.


    The third uses a couple of covers from the Saga Of Larten Crepsley series to reflect on the turbulent waters we've all experienced over the last couple of years.


    Speaking of the Saga Of Larten Crepsley... in those books we learnt that Mika Ver Leth had also courted Arra Sails, and "Festie" was of the opinion that she should have gone with the Prince, and sent Larten packing. When you consider the chat-up line that Larten is using in this meme, you kind of have to admit that perhaps "Festie" has a point... :-) :-) :-)




    In the May issue of my monthly online newsletter -- TWO new Darren Shan books that go on sale this month, plus a competition! Click here to find out more: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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