• Follow the N17 to the Cirque Du Freak

    23 February 2021

    A young Irish singer called Tolu Makay made a big impression on New Year's Eve. She covered an old song called N17 by The Saw Doctors (a song which I love, incidentally, and often play, especially when I'm running on my treadmill). It was part of a New Year's Eve programme on RTE in Ireland, but quickly went viral globally, as it's an absolutely gorgeous, heart-stirring rendition. You can check it out here:




    Last week there was a nice interview with Tolu in the Irish Independent, in which she answers questions about the amazing reaction to the song, and her life in general. One of the first questions she got asked (and it's a question that should feature in EVERY interview, in my opinion!) was what was the first book she ever fell in love with? You can find her answer, my freaky friends, by clicking here:




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