• Four flavours of the Merge

    29 October 2022

    I usually feature fan art here on a Saturday, and more often than not the characters in the pieces I choose hail from my Cirque Du Freak or Demonata series, as they remain my most popular works. But today's quartet hail from my latest series, Archibald Lox, whose final Volume omnibus went on sale earlier this week, making this a nice, timely presentation! ��

    The first drawing, of the titular Archie, is by LIV. Locks are central to Archie's existence -- he's a highly skilled locksmith -- which is why Liv has included the cluster of locks around him.

    The next two drawings are by EMI. Archie is also the star of her first pic -- he's being carried by Cal, another of the major characters in the series.

    EMI's next drawing features Kurtis, a complicated villain in the books, though he looks extremely friendly and charming here. Well... he IS friendly and charming... when he's not trying to knife you in the back!! Like I said -- complicated.

    The final drawing is again by LIV, who this time focuses on Inez, Archie's guide and best friend in the Merge.

    If you're interested in Volume 3, which I mentioned earlier, you can find more about it here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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