• Gaia firsts

    20 October 2019

    I'm going to make my daughter Gaia the star of my post this Sunday, as I did a couple of weeks back, as these are all pictures of "firsts" -- first experiences that she has recently had, milestones on the path of what will hopefully be a long, happy life filled with many more similar experiences that build on these early steps. In order, they are...



    Gaia has her first taste of pizza! She had this in Milanos (known as Pizza Express in the UK) on the Dock Road in Limerick, and it was love at first bite -- well, first "gummy chew," I guess, as she doesn't have any teeth yet!



    In the second photo, Gaia goes to her first gig! This was in the Belltable theatre, to see a show called Rockin' Rhymes, in which a band converted traditional children's rhymes into songs. It was a real foot-stomper, and Gaia absolutely loved it -- she was sitting on my lap, and started writhing about to the music -- I almost lost hold of her a few times!



    And in the third photo, Gaia has her first meeting with the statue of Limerick's modern-day people's saint... Terry Wogan! For those who don't know who that is, he was a much-loved TV and radio presenter who had a long, successful career in the UK. He had a sparkling sense of humour and was always happy to laugh at himself, so all of us in Limerick (where he was originally from) think he would be tickled pink if he could have lived to see the infamous statue that was erected in his honour a few years back, but which looks almost nothing like him! :-)

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