• Georgia update

    14 October 2010

    One of the big highlights of my recent tour was getting to meet Georgia Ormrod. You might remember me mentioning her last year -- she fell into a coma after having an operation to remove a brain tumour. It was touch and go for a while, but in the end, in true battling vampire spirit, she pulled through. Many of you wrote letters or emails to her, which she was delighted to read once she had recovered. She came to my event with her Dad, and even though she's still obviously not in the best shape she's ever been, she's fighting the good fight and making remarkable progress. Georgia and her Dad sent me the following email afterwards:


    Georgia had a brain tumour, with a subsequent operation leaving her very ill and in a coma. Your books and emails from your fans were a regular feature in her recovery programme during her 5.5 months in hospital. She has been home for a year now and is in amazing shape. She has great sight and reads at least a book a week. Her right arm is near perfect and her left improves, she can walk and on a good day can manage 50m unaided! She is back at school doing about 50% of her lessons although the chemotherapy still makes her very tired. She works so hard at physio and speech therapy. Your books have been a great companion to her, despite the advice of some doctors!

    That last line refers to the fact that some of her doctors were worried that my books were too gory and scary when her Dad was reading them out to her while she was in a coma and then recovering!!! But I've always thought that there's nothing like a good chill down the spine to get the senses going, and it clearly worked in Georgia's case!!! Georgia is currently replying to the many letters and emails which she received, and if any of you would like to write to her again, she'd love to hear from you! Her email address, which her and her Dad asked me to share with you, is: [email protected]

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