• Getting arty

    16 February 2020

    I found myself with a spare Sunday morning and afternoon in London recently, which is a rarity these days -- Mrs Shan and I used to bounce between Limerick and London like a pair of pingpong balls, but since we've had the kids, we get over far less than we used to, and we normally don't have much free time on our hands when we're there. I took advantage of my temporary freedom to go for a nice long walk and pop into a couple of art galleries.


    First up was the Hayward Gallery in the Southbank Centre, which was hosting a very popular Bridget Riley exhibition. I've seen lots of her work before -- lots of wavy lines -- and was never that bothered about it, but seeing a lot of them together, with some of her best pieces included, made me reappraise my opinion, and I ended up really enjoying it. Some of the pieces made my head spin!




    After that I headed for the Tate Modern to see a Dora Maar exhibition. That was interesting, though I was more impressed by this massive work in the Turbine Hall, by Kara Walker, which reflected on Colonialism and slavery. You can learn a bit more about it by clicking here: https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/exhibition/hyundai-commission-kara-walker


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