Ghoulish Grannies
05 May 2019My son Dante adores his two grandmothers, and hopefully his baby sister Gaia will too as she grows up and gets to know them better. (Assuming they don't shuffle on off to Vampire Paradise any time soon!) Both grannies were there to see her on the day of her birth, and here are pictures of the beaming pair. The first is my Mum, the second is Mrs Shan's.
"But what about the Grandads?!?" I hear you cry. Well, Grandad Basini is sadly no longer with us, and Grandad Shan is camera shy! :-)
I'm pleased to say that both grannies read my Shanville Monthly when it goes live every month -- no, I'm not joking! If you'd like to keep abreast of all the Darren Shan affairs too, click here for the latest news and updates in the May issue: