• Groovy teachers

    30 October 2020

    I'm guessing that the vast majority of you reading this will already be familiar with a little book I released twenty years ago called Cirque Du Freak, but just in case you aren't, and are looking for the perfect spine-tingling read to celebrate Halloween tomorrow, then perhaps these displays will help steer you in the right direction -- with that many children giving it a firm thumbs-up, it's GOT to be worth taking a chance on, right?!?


    The first photo (with the sink in the lower left corner) was put together by Mr Cruise's students in 5C in Rykneld Primary School -- they wanted to create a wall honouring an inspirational author, but they couldn't think of any, so they stuck me up there instead!!! :-)



    The second photo comes to us courtesy of the Year 5 students in Shobnall Primary School. To paraphrase everyone's favourite line from the old Jaws movie -- "You're gonna need a bigger blackboard!!!" :-)



    I love when teachers use my books in a fun, creative way, encouraging their pupils to get inventive with their reports and reactions to my stories. It's proof of how enjoyable education can be if it's done in the right way. I hope the students of Rykneld and Shobnall realise how lucky they are to have teachers like this -- I just wish we could clone them and stick them into schools everywhere...




    I'm going to be recording a short Halloween VIDEO to release on the 31st. I'm going to answer a variety of questions submitted by fans, and maybe do a short reading or two. If YOU want to ask me a question, you can do so in the comments box in reply to this post or use the Contact Form on www.darrenshan.com I'll gather together a selection of my favourite questions and answer them as best I can in the video.




    The first Volume of my new Archibald Lox series is now on sale as an eBook, paperback or hardback through Amazon stores worldwide. For more info and direct buying links, click here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/article/archibald-lox-links

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