• Halloween FM

    25 October 2019

    I don't think it will come as a great shock to anyone that Halloween is probably my favourite holiday of the year, though I must admit that I do love Christmas too. One area where Christmas has traditionally punched harder than any other holiday is, of course, on the song front -- the airwaves are awash with yuletide songs from late November onwards, and sucker that I am, they set me smiling every year. In recent times, I've been loving Christmas FM, a radio station in Ireland that only plays Christmas songs in the run-up to Decmeber 25th, and that raises money for a different worthy charity each time round.


    Well, now Christmas has come to Halloween... or the other way round... with HALLOWEEN FM!!! Yes, the good folk behind Christmas FM have set up a short-term Halloween online station, playing only spooky, creepy, ghoulish songs. The scheduling isn't flawless -- as I'm typing this, Radiohead's classic song "Creep" is playing, and while that's one of my all-time fave songs, it's not one that I associate with Halloween, and I suspect it crept through by accident purely because it has the word "creep" in its title -- but hey, I'll take the odd wayward song in among the freaky, spine-shivering mix!!!


    If you want to check out Halloween FM, click on the following link, and bliss out between now and All Hallows Eve. Halloween may never be the same again...



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