• Happy Birthday to…

    23 September 2019

    Five years ago today, I unleashed my greatest horror masterpiece upon an unsuspecting world. No, I'm not talking about one of my books -- I'm talking about my son, Dante!! I suppose it was always a bit risky, naming the little one after a guy who spent so much of his time describing the many "wonders" of Hell... :-)


    Aw, I'm only kidding. He's a wonderful little kid, with a great sense of humour, and if his language is rather... shall we say, ribald... at times, I guess that's only the fault of his mother and father -- I keep a very clean mouth when I'm doing my events, but the stereotypical cursing Irishman tends to slip to the fore when I'm relaxed at home. "Faith and begorrah!" indeed!!!!! :-)


    Anyway, for the day that's in it, here are a few recent photos of my favourite five year old in action. The first and third were taken in Ballybunion, on what will probably be the last really sunny day of the Irish summer -- indeed, one of the FEW really sunny days of the Irish "summer"!! The second dates back a month earlier to Mallorca, when we went on our summer holiday. While in the fourth, Grandad Shan decides enough is enough, and comes up with a cunning plan to ensure we don't have to endure another year of the mini-menace's evil reign!!!! :-)





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