• Happy HallowMas!!!

    15 May 2021

    OK, I'm just a little bit late with these seasonal drawings -- or else early for this year's upcoming festivities -- but as far as I'm concerned, ANY time is a good time to raise a spooky Halloween cheer or open a Christmas present!!! :-)


    These three drawings were all sent to me by a fan called Dan many months back. In the first, Mr Crepsley celebrates October 31st, or as they call it in Vampire Mountain, "Just another average Tuesday." A much younger Larten is opening a Christmas present in the second ("A big bottle of baby suntan lotion -- nice!!") while toddler Gavner is tucking into a plateful of goodies in the third ("I'm saving the star for last, because I AM a star!").


    All together now -- Happy Hallo--


    I mean, Merry Chris--


    I mean...


    Ah, forget it!!! :-)





    In the May issue of my monthly newsletter -- THREE new books... Cirque Du Freak manga... a Darren Shan inspired album... and lots, lots more: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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