• Harkat’s favourite reading material

    01 February 2020

    Why is Harkat Mulds so happy?!?


    Could it be because he's sick of winter and February 1st marks the start of spring in the ancient Irish Celtic calendar? Hmmm... if it was Bec, I'd say that was a fair bet, but unlikely in this instance.


    Is he thrilled because Valentine's Day is just around the corner and he's thinking of asking Truska out on a date? Again, unlikely, because the Cirque Du Freak is playing a double bill on the 14th and Truska will no doubt be too tired to go romancing.


    Or could it possibly because the start of February means the release of the latest issue of the Shanville Monthly, with all the latest Darren Shan-related news and updates, including a photo of someone dressed up like Harkat?!?


    Of COURSE that's why -- and if YOU want to end up grinning ear to ear like little Harkat, click on the following link: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/


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