• Hell Jackals are go!!!

    18 May 2021

    A fan called Kat recently shared this skeletal masterpiece over on Twitter. It's a drawing of a hell jackal, fearsome, kill-crazy creatures who appear in my Archibald Lox books.


    I moved away from horror with the Archibald Lox series -- it's a fantasy tale -- but I guess you can't rid yourself entirely of the dark side when you've spent so much of your life cavorting in the shadows! The hell jackals don't appear in the Volume Two books coming out this summer (I didn't want to overuse them), but you can certainly expect them to pop up in the Volume Three books next year, when Archie quite literally finds himself thrown in at the deep end...


    For more info about the upcoming books (as well as those of the first Volume) check out the may issue of my monthly newsletter for titles, covers, buying links and more...




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