• Hello again, old friends!

    10 August 2010

    Sorry for yet another long absence between blogs. This time it was because I was even busier than normal on the writing front -- I wanted to do an edit of all four of the Mr Crepsley books before I headed off for Edinburgh. I've always treated the books as one large single book, and tried to edit one straight after another every time. It was a push this time, and meant working longer hours than normal, but I managed to wrap up my latest edit today. But I was focusing so hard on that, I simply couldn't summon the energy to blog every day -- sorry!!! Apart from that I've almost finished season 3 of Heroes -- it had its ups and downs, but was pretty good overall. I've been doing more house-related bits and pieces.. Went for a nice meal in the Mustard Seed on Monday with some family members. Preapred the extracts which I am going to read at my even in Edinburgh -- I will be reading two scenes, one from the first Mr Crepsley book, the other from a short story on my web site -- and they are both world exclusives, as I have never read them out loud anywhere else before!!! And today I started checking out reviews of various shows in Edinburgh, ahead of popping over for my annual visit to the Festival. I'll try to blog a bit more regularly while over there, but if not, I'll certainly try to tweet. If these long absences between blogs become a trait, I might start doing a weekly blog -- at least that way people would know when to look out for it, and wouldn't be disappointed when there wasn't a daily update. I'll see how I get on with things over the next few weeks and make a decision then. But for now -- roll on Edinburgh -- hurrah!!!

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