Here comes the Bride!
02 October 2020As I said a few days ago, quite a few Shansters have recently been busy cosplaying as characters from my books (maybe it's the scent of Halloween in the air that has inspired them to action!), and I'm going to be featuring a selection of them over the coming week or two.
Next up it's the turn of Mordecai, dressed as the title character from Zom-B Bride, which was one of the later books in my Zom-B series. I don't want to say too much about this, as I'd have to give away a load of spoilers, except to note that without any clowning around, Mordecai has perfectly captured the troubled, reluctant bride. (I hope my little pun will tickle those of you who've read the book -- and for those who haven't... pun? what pun? no puns here! look away please, look away now!!!!)
The October issue of the Shanville Monthly went live yesterday with all the latest Darren Shan news, including an update on the impending release of the paperback and hardback editions of my Archibald Lox books.