• Hungarian vending machine Freak

    20 August 2019

    I have a very strong fan base in Hungary, especially for my vampire series, and Cirque Du Freak was recently chosen to be released in a vending machine edition.


    "Vending machine edition?" you mutter. "What on Earth is that?!?"


    Well, it's exactly what it sounds like. In Hungary they now have vending machines for books, and they create special editions of the chosen books to fill the machines. I'm told that most of the books to date have tended to be older, "classic" books, which made it all the sweeter when Cirque Du Freak was chosen to be the latest installment -- it's clearly growing old gracefully!


    They had a launch party to announce the news when Cirque Du Freak was issued. I filmed a short video for it, which you can check out here: https://www.facebook.com/poketzsebkonyvek/videos/1087554851448670/


    The launch looks like it was a LOT of fun -- I wish I could have been there! You can see a short video that was taken on the night by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/poketzsebkonyvek/videos/499127640844526/ And you can view loads of photos by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/poketzsebkonyvek/photos/?tab=album&album_id=502522683896481


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