• Hungary Archie launch day

    16 May 2023

    So, THIS little beauty went on sale in HUNGARY yesterday!! It's Volume One of my Archibald Lox series, which binds together the first three books and presents them as an unbroken storyline, the way I originally wrote it.


    A short video was shared with me by BORI, who was VERY excited to open up her signed, limited edition copy! You can watch it by CLICKING HERE


    And a photo was shared with me by BALAZS, who was equally excited to get his hands on HIS copy! Check it out below.


    The limited edition has been long sold out, but if YOU would like an unnumbered SIGNED copy, they're still available through my publishers (or you can buy it as an EBOOK through them if you prefer), by clicking here: https://www.bookaholickiado.hu/uzlet/


    My publishers are also hosting a LAUNCH PARTY this Friday, May 19th. I will be joining it via Zoom for an hour and answering LOADS of questions. If you attend, you can either pre-order a signed copy of the book and pick it up on the night, or you can buy copies while you're there. To register to attend, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/180942567811376/?ref=newsfeed


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