• Hungary launch party report

    20 May 2023

    I had a fab time last night, answering questions from fans who attended the launch party for the Hungarian edition of Archibald Lox Volume 1. The hour flew by -- it felt like 10 or 15 minutes to me! Here are a few photos, showing the venue, a fan called MAGYARINE and her signed copy of the book, and a shot of me on the screen mid-event.


    I think there are still some SIGNED copies of the book on sale, if you order directly through the publisher: https://www.bookaholickiado.hu/uzlet/


    You should also be able to buy regular copies through all the major bookstores in Hungary, if you prefer to buy through one of those -- Lira, Libri, Bookline, Tóthágas, Könyvtárellátó, etc. If you live in Hungary, please help spread the word to anyone you think might be interested -- if the book sells well, we'll hopefully see Volume 2 translated and released, but if it DOESN'T sell well... :-( :-( :-(




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