• Hungary launch party review

    01 June 2023

    There was a lovely review of the Hungarian launch party for Archibald Lox Volume 1, on Yellowback Magazin. It's in Hungarian, but if you cut and copy it into Google Translate, you get an extremely clear translation. Click here: https://yellowbackmagazin.wixsite.com/yellowbackmagazin/post/darren-shan-archibald-lox-k%C3%B6nyvbemutat%C3%B3-%C3%A9lm%C3%A9nybesz%C3%A1mol%C3%B3


    As the article explains, the publishing house, Bookaholic, actually came into being primarily to release Archibald Lox. Carmen, its chief, wanted to see Archibald Lox on sale in Hungary, and when none of the traditional publishers came in for it, she decided to tackle the task herself. I remember when I first got an email from her, on Christmas Day(!!!) 2021, through my website's contact form. I often hear from fans with big, crazy ideas, and sadly they never come to anything. I assumed this would be another such instance, but Carmen was determined, and kept working with me to find a way to make this happen, and here we are, 18 months later, with the book beautifully packaged and on sale, and selling very nicely. It just goes to show, if you're truly determined to make something happen, and are prepared to put in the time and hard work, you CAN make it happen.


    Many congratutlations to Carmen and her team, and I hope Bookaholic has a long, successful career ahead of it.


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