• Independent Booksellers Week Award

    19 May 2011

    I’m delighted to be able to announce that Birth Of A Killer has been shortlisted for the Independent Booksellers Week Award 2011. It’s one of twelve books which have been shortlisted for the final prize. The shortlist was chosen by staff in independent book stores across the UK, but the winner will be voted on by their customers — an intriguing process!!! I’m chuffed to have been shortlisted for such a cool prize — I’ve been a big supporter of indies over the years, and they’ve been great to me too! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed, but there are some real heavy-hitters on the shortlist, so I won’t be holding my breath!!! You can check out the full shortlist by CLICKING HERE. And if any of you end up voting for the winner, remember to vote for Shan — OR ELSE!!!!!

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