• Ireland 1600 years ago

    27 July 2024

    A fan on Facebook asked where my book Bec was set, He thought Ireland, but when one of the characters talked about making a march on foot of 8 or 9 days, he started doubting himself, as he felt Ireland was too small a country for such a long march, and that you could cross the whole place in just 2 or 3 days...


    I can confirm that Bec IS set in Celtic Ireland. If the country seems a bit larger than our current geographical mindset would suggest, it's worth bearing in mind that they didn't have roads like ours 1600 years ago. Much of the country would still have been forested, with lots of briars and bushes to hack through. They weren't travelling through familiar terrain. And because of the demons, they could only travel in daylight hours. So, while they could have completed their journey in today's world much more swiftly, even on foot, back then travel tended to take a lot more time. The world HAS got smaller in recent centuries, and I think books like Bec should help remind us that we live in what people of the past would have considered miraculous times. There's much to complain about in these modern times, of course, but there's so much to marvel at too...


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