• June 2023 competition winners

    13 June 2023

    I've drawn the winners for my June competition, and there was a nice global spread, from one winner virtually on my doorstep to one all the way at the other end of the world. In the order drawn, those four lucky Shansters are...


    Gina Westendorf, Australia.

    Mary Aherne, Ireland.

    Martina Utasi, Ireland.

    Joanna Wauters, Belgium.


    I'll be sending out their prizes (signed, dated copies of a VERY limited special edition of the 8th Archibald Lox book) before the end of the week, hopefully. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone else who entered -- better luck next time!!!!


    If you weren't one of the winners, you can get a regular paperback copy of Archibald Lox And The Pick Of Loxes through any Amazon store worldwide, or as an eBook through a very wide variety of sellers -- Amazon, Apple, B&N, Google, Kobo, etc. Although my advice, if you're new to the series, is to get the trilogy collections intead -- it will probably be cheaper that way, and they present the storylines the way I originally wrote them, as three large books rather than as nine short books.


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  • Comments

    No AvatarLove your books
    15, Jun, 2023
    Love all your books Darren! Read The Cirque du Freak when I was young, then the saga of Larten Crepsley, then Zom-B and Hell's Heroes.
    Always struggled to enjoy reading until I read your books.
    I look forward to reading the trilogy of Archibald Lox.

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