Kindle case
04 April 2023One of the downsides to reading a book on a Kindle reader (or any eReader) is that every Kindle looks the same, no matter what book you might be ploughing your way through. With a physical book, you get to enjoy that book's unique cover. Other people can look across on a train or plane and see what you're reading, and you can see what they are reading. With a Kindle, you're a mystery reader to them, and they're a mystery reader to you.
At some point I'm sure we'll get a Kindle that displays the cover of the book that the person is reading, a digital screen that will change every time you change a book. But while we're waiting for that, a Tweeter with the handle of @Wattkins asked another Tweeter -- one who designs cases for Kindles -- called @KleverCase to design a freakily fabulous case for their Kindle, featuring my most famous quote. It won't match every book that @Wattkins reads, of course, but damn, it's absolutely perfect when that books happens to be Vampire Mountain!!!
If you're looking for a Shanified Kindle case of your own, now you know where to enquire.