• King of the Night

    29 May 2023

    The experimental short film director Kenneth Anger died recently, which was a sad loss, although he lived to the age of 96, so he had a more than fair innings! His best work is truly stunning, and you should go out of your way to track it down and watch it. He also wrote one of the most infamous books about Hollywood -- called Hollywood Babylon.


    But the reason I'm mentioning him here is a song that he used (apparently without permission!) in a film called Rabbit's Moon. The song is It Came In The Night, by a band called A Raincoat. I saw the film MANY years ago, I think when I was in university (so, we're talking about 30 years), and the song has remained stuck in my brain ever since. I tried searching for it online over the years -- not knowing the name of the song, only some of the lyrics -- but could never find it. Then, when I heard that Anger had died, I tried again -- and finally tracked it down!!!


    It's an incredibly catchy song, and for me, in an alternate universe, it will always be Mr Crepsley's Cirque Du Freak song. I had, of course, nothing to do with the making of the CDF movie a while back, but if I HAD been closely involved, this is the song I would have suggested be played when we first see Mr Crepsley, and perhaps occasionally thereafter as well. "The king of the night... king of the night..." Perhaps, if it ever gets rebooted, we might hear it in a Cirque Du Freak adaptation yet...


    If you'd like to watch the Kenneth Anger film (there have been a few versions, but the song is in the 1979 version, which only runs for 6 and a half minutes) click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIyxIhpLGQk


    Even in death may the king of the night be triumphant!!!


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