• Les “Freaky” Miserables

    25 May 2022

    Yesterday's post about the release of Volume 6 of the Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus reminded me of some exciting news that I read a while back. Takahiro Arai, who did an absolutely brilliant job of creating the Cirque Du Freak manga, later went on to adapt Victor Hugo's famous novel Les Miserables. As a massive fan of both Takahiro Arai and Les Miserables (I love the book, the musical, a few of the many movie adaptations) I've been keen to read this for many years, but although it ran in Japan between 2013 and 2016, an English language edition has never been released...


    ...until NOW!!!


    Seven Seas are bringing Takahiro Arai's Les Miserables to the English speaking world, in four large omnibus volumes, starting in December this year. I can't wait to finally (FINALLY!!) read it. You can find out more about the release here: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-release/2022-02-09/seven-seas-licenses-les-miserables-manga-series-by-takahiro-arai/.182455


    And if you missed yesterday's post about the Cirque Du Freak Volume 6 release, you can catch up with it here: https://darrenshan.com/news/article/volume-6-of-the-cirque-du-freak-manga-omnibus-goes-on-sale-today



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