• Less than 24 hours till Tunbridge Wells!

    29 April 2022

    In less than 24 hours I will be doing my first public event and signing in England in SIX YEARS!! And it will be my first ANYWHERE in almost three years!!


    The time -- 2pm, on Saturday April 30th.


    The place -- The Amelia Theatre, Tunbridge Wells.


    I'll be reading extracts from four of my series, answering questions from the audience, and signing books afterwards. There will be copies of Volume 1 of my Archibald Lox series on sale (at a bargain price!), and hopefully some of my other, older books too -- I'll do one dedicated book per fan, with a message, but as long as we have time, I'll be happy to sign all your other Darren Shan books too, so feel free to bring plenty of books from home with you!


    You can read about my event, and all the other events which are taking place this weekend in the first ever Tunbridge Wells Literary Festival, in this handy Times supplement: https://www.timeslocalnews.co.uk/local-news/whats-on-at-the-tunbridge-wells-literary-festival


    And if you want to book tickets to come see me, click here: https://theamelia.co.uk/whats-on/darren-shan-archibald-lox.html


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