• Life is like a butterfly

    05 September 2021

    Last year Mrs Shan ordered a Butterfly Garden kit, where you get sent a mesh container and some small caterpillars, which quickly grow into quite big caterpillars, who then spin cocoons and transform into butterflies, hatching before your very eyes. The kids absolutely loved it, and it was one of the best - and easiest - things we did with them over the various lockdowns.


    So this year, with the kit already to hand, all we had to do was order another load of caterpillars, and off we set for the butterfly races again.


    These photos were taken on the day of release, when we set the butterflies free outdoors, to fly away into the great blue younder. As happened last year, a couple were happy to rest on our fingers for a few seconds before spreading their wings and taking off. One poor little fella had an underdeveloped wing and wasn't able to fly, but we made it as comfortable as we could in the flowers in the garden, then left it in the loving embrace of Mother Nature. I'm sure she took good care of it...


    If you'd like to hatch your own butterflies, here's the link for the UK company we used -- they ship to most countries in the EU, and I'm sure there are similar companies in other countries too. https://www.insectlore.co.uk/




    Check out the August issue of my monthly newsletter for all the latest Darren Shan updates, including info about the release of a NEW BOOK!! https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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