• Litcast of Doom

    10 February 2020

    "LORD LOSS, as one of the first horror stories I read as a kid, taught me the meaning of having hope, and the different ways we can and should pursue to heal."


    I love it when a reader truly GETS one of my stories. I think, a lot of the time, many don't. It's perfectly possible to enjoy a book for any number of reasons, yet not quite connect with what the writer really wanted you to connect with. Sure, my book Lord Loss has loads of cool action and horror scenes to thrill those who are looking to be thrilled, and there's a dark sense of humour which I hope tickles many a funny bone, and there are mysteries which keep readers intrigued, and... and... and...


    But really, more than anything else, what I wanted to do with this book was to say to my readers -- especially my teenage readers, who were going through a very challenging part of their lives -- that we can overcome any challenge that life sets in our path, and endure and move on from every loss that we will suffer. Boiled down to its very core, Lord Loss is a story about a boy who loses the people closest to him, then figures out a way to come to terms with that and live with it and move on with his life.


    Which is a very long-winded way of me highly recommending this review of Lord Loss, which appeared on a podcast called the LITCAST OF DOOM (cool name!) last month. Check it out, but be warned, the language is a little bit mature in places...




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