• May 2021 issue of the Shanville Monthly

    01 May 2021

    The May issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter is now live, and the BIG news this month involves the revealing of the titles, covers and release dates of my next THREE Archibald Lox books!!! If you missed my posts during the week, this is your chance to catch up, admire the covers, share the news with all your friends, and place your pre-orders! :-) :-) :-)


    There are plenty of other news items too, about the Cirque Du Freak manga, the Cirque Du Freak movie, the Cirque Du Freak album, and the Cirque Du Freak nappies.


    OK, I'm joking about the nappies -- but everything else is on the level. Click here to find out more:




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  • Native James

    from Darren's Blog on 05 September 2024

    My son Dante is big into rap. It's not something I've ever delved into deeply, but maybe I'll...

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  • TOUR details - see Shanville Monthly

    from Events on 06 August 2017

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