• Memes, glorious memes!

    29 October 2021

    The Darren Shan memes continue to come fairly thick and fast, mostly through the medium of Twitter. They continue to amaze and impress me -- I'd have thought, by this stage of the game, there would be little new material in my books for meme-making fans to riff on, but you guys keep finding new ways to make them funny, so here are four of the finest from recent months...


    The first was shared by a fan called Dominique. This image has been used in a lot of memes (it's the one I come across most often, not just in relation to my books), but for me this is probably its most poignant use to date. Poor, misguided Steve... :-(


    The world is turning ever greener (hopefully!!), and so are the Hunters of the Dusk in the second meme, by Kammie!!


    Vampire Council chipped in with the third, "Strange" meme... :-)


    And Festival Of The Undead wraps things up in a nice, snug spider(man)'s web!!


    More memes coming soon!!!





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